
Evaluation 評價研究

The Group has a team of professional analysts with hands-on experience in providing valuation services in relation to projects involving natural resources. The Group’s evaluation works meet the requirements set forth by the relevant governmental and financial regulators worldwide. Since its incorporation, the Group has been engaged in valuation of major natural resources such as coal, copper, gemstone, gold, iron, petroleum, silver, tin, non-ferrous metals including lead, molybdenum, nickel, titanium and vanadium, and forestry.

本集團擁有一支由專業分析師組成的團隊,該等分析師擁有涉及天然資源的項目有 關的評估服務的實際經驗。本集團的評價研究工作均符合全球相關政府及金融監管部門 所頒佈的規定。自註冊成立以來,本集團一直從事評估主要天然資源(如煤、銅、寶 石、黃金、鐵、石油、銀、錫)以及鉛、鉬、鎳、鈦、釩等有色金屬及林業。